Friday, March 7, 2008

Free Spyware Removal Software - Why Use It?

by: Raymond Johansen

I guess most of us have been bothered with spyware infections once or more. Nobody likes that their computer become slow because of them, and nobody likes to pay a huge pile of cash just to get rid of them either. In this article I write about a great spyware removal tool that is free. What you get for zero bucks could sometimes actually be a whole lot.

When people get infections into their home computer, many are not aware of the existence of such threats. They just keep on working with their slow running computers until they stop almost completely. Some ask friends or relatives with a little computer experience to take a look at their computer. Therefore I will try to explain the importance of having protection, and how to get something that works.

Through the two latest decades we have seen computers eventually come into our lives, and that we use them more and more, and integrate them to become more or less a necessity in our homes. But, when internet was made public in 1990 we also began to see more and more of all the problems that came along with it.

An experience that I've had often is, when a system was near a breakdown, the problems was very often caused by a massive infection of online threats. Today we know them as spyware, adware, worms, trojan horses or viruses. They crawl up your cables and into your system, and when they become many they start competing with eachother for the available resources.

This will cause the computer to slow down, and when it eventually comes to a complete stop, the number of nfections will be too high for the computer to handle. All the power you need to do your stuff will be unavailable. An overrun system is of no real value to the user, because there are virtually no resources left to run real programs. This computer system has also become a real danger to privacy.

A good security tool could get rid of these bugs. I recommend that you have three basic types of security software installed on your system. Number one is a firewall protection. This will help prevent hackers from breaking into your system. Number two is a good antivirus solution. This keeps viruses, worms, trojan horses and often other types of threats away. Number three is to have a good spyware removal tool, because these threats are the most common ones today. They spread between computers like wildfire. Some of them are even made to steal your private information.

A quality piece of security software would protect you from various types of threats. But no software will make your system total immune, and a combination of different pieces of quality software is always preferred.

No matter what, it is always better to atleast have somekind of protection software installed, rather than nothing at all. So you might need to look for some you too. A good place to do this is online. This is because you simply get the fastest delivery and the best prices. But you have to look carefully for it.

I need to alert you about a new type of threats that is spreading around the world these days. A bug slips into your system, and almost instantly pops up with a warning about a "system error" from something called "Security Center" or similar. You should pay attention to this kind.

They infect you in the first place, then they want you to purchase a remedy for their disease and other types of infections. But most of them don't get rid of anything but the warnings, and even slips more bugs into your computer. Sneaky don't you think?

There are alot of software and solutions to choose from. Some are expensive, some are cheap, some are good and some are worse. They vary as much quality as they vary in price, and the most expensive ones are not by far always the best ones.

Infact there are actually spyware removal software packages that will protect against several categories of threats, and it will even clean up your computer's registry. This feature alone is a good way to increase the computers speed. I know about a really great tool that will do all this for you, and even for free.

This package does unfornately not include a firewall protection, but if you are running Windows XP there is a good firewall included in this operating-system. Just go to the control panel, and then to the Windows security center to activate it. It works great, and you should definately turn it on if you have it in the first place. This firewall in combination with the totally free spyware removal tool we provide on our website, you'll suddenly have a nice protection.

If you see the point of being protected for free rather than not protected, I have met my goal. Take care, and secure your computer properly. More information about this great free tool is to be found at our website.

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