Sunday, March 23, 2008

Article: Using A Blog To Promote Your Business

by: Zachary Thompson

Using a blog to promote your wellness business is a very effective marketing tool. What is great about using blogs is that you can promote your wellness business absolutely free. There are many places on the Internet that you can set up a blog without it costing you a single penny. With a new home business it is important to maximize promotion without spending all your profits on advertising and marketing. Using a blog is one of the methods that you can use to promote your wellness business without it emptying your business budget.

You do not have to be a computer wiz, internet wiz or programmer to set up an attractive blog. There are many places on the Internet that have blogs already set up for you. All that you have to do is create a free account, select the name for you blog and start making blog posts. It’s literally that simple without requiring that you know how to program or pay any type of membership fees or hosting fees. This is why blogging is ideal for promotion because it’s so simple to do.

Once you have your blog selected and your account created, it is time to name your blog. When selecting a name choose something that fits both the wellness industry and compliments the types of products that you will be promoting for your wellness business. For example, if you sell weight loss products you could name your blog something such as Skinny Tips. This would let others know the general theme of the blog.

The blog setup will ask you to create a description for you blog. Take the time to write out several descriptions until you have just the perfect one. The description that you post on the blog will often be what is used when search engines pick up your blog and list it in the pages. For the example of the skinny tips blog you could do a description such as helpful tips and information for weight loss. The description then further explains your blog so that more people are likely to read your posts because they will know what the blog is going to be about before they start reading.

What should you write about for your blog? One of the top things to write about is the general topic of the blog. Blogs with a lot of different topics can get confusing to readers. They are successful but the purpose of this type of business blog is to promote your wellness home business. If for example you had the Skinny Tips blog, you could write short pieces about losing weight, eating well and exercising. You can even write reviews for the different products that you are promoting. In the reviews, you can link directly to the product to encourage visitors to visit your main wellness small home business Internet site.

The primary purpose of blogs is to provide information. Providing a great deal of information is the key to a successful blog for business. You get people that would not normally visit a wellness product site to come and read your blog. After reading your blog on a regular basis, visitors will naturally go and visit your business site. Use the blog as a portal to get traffic to your website and not as a big advertisement. People will stay and read the information if it is informative and entertaining.

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