Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Article: Shortcuts To Becoming an eBay Powerseller With China Wholesalers

Shortcuts To Becoming an eBay Powerseller With China Wholesalers
by: Agus Haryanto

I believe that you have heard about how easy for so many guys to make money on the internet, particularly eBay. How then the really successful ones quit their jobs, live a life of their dreams, travel all over the world and stay in the finest hotels.

But the fact is, how many of you are doing business on eBay but are struggling? Whether you are struggling with the fact that you are spending too much time in finding products to sell or even struggling with the fact that you are not able make high enough profits. Some of you have been doing business on eBay for so many years; however, you seem to be having a hard time to even reach that powerseller status, let alone making enough money to support yourself.

This article will reveal and tell you the secrets to everything but that.

Why get it from China?

• Cheap labor costs and leniency in environmental aspects have become the ultimate driving force for many manufacturing companies to relocate their operations or manufacturing facilities to China to reduce their production costs.

• We could find countless of wholesalers here in the US. However, they also normally get their merchandise from China. If we got the merchandises from them, that would also mean higher cost. Think about it, these wholesalers would have to bring in the merchandises that they are trying to sell by a container, which means freight costs need to be added as overhead. Once the merchandises arrive in the US, they would have to store it somewhere. That means, storage costs need to be added as overhead. This list could go on and on and on.

As we all are aware, eBay is a very competitive market. Whoever can sell they products with the lowest price, will have the highest possibility to succeed. The only time where we can sell an item without having to worry about competitions is when scarcity is involved; meaning we sell a product that is high demand, but no one else sells it. To tell you the truth, this scenario is almost impossible to happen.

I have spent hundreds of hours trying to find a wholesaler that can be profitable when I sell their products on eBay. I got to tell you that that was not the easiest thing to do. It’s not even easy to find one wholesaler that can provide me with such product, let alone 2-3 wholesalers or more. I am sure many of you can identify with me. It was not because of I could not find a desired products that I could sell on eBay. Believe me there are thousands in not millions of items that we can sell on eBay that we can find on US wholesalers. The only reason is COST.

Ebay is constantly increasing its fees. In addition, Paypal also takes a big role in cutting a big chunk of your profits. The sad part is, it is almost impossible to be successful on eBay without accepting Paypal payments. This would leave us no choice but to find the cheapest products out there so that we can still make big enough profits.

If you have been doing business on eBay and you seem to be stuck with so much time researching valuable products to sell on eBay, then China seems to be the only solution for you to reach that powerseller status. If you are serious about building an eBay empire, then this will probably be the easiest vehicle that you can find out there.

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