Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Article: How To Increase Sales

How To Increase Sales
by: Paul Hooper-Kelly

In today's competitive environment, the constant dilemma faced by webmasters is how to increase sales. The usual response is to throw even more cash at their AdWords account or spending even more fruitless hours performing SEO voodoo, in the effort to increase website traffic.

Yet, by adopting a different sales strategy and making a simple, proven change to their sales page, they could double, triple or even quadruple the mileage they get from their existing traffic.

This is no unproven theory, because some of internet marketing's best known, and well respected, experts, such as John Reese, have tested this new method and found that even sales pages that are already performing respectably, can be made to increase sales by up to three times. Mike Filsaime and Harris Fellman are among other well know marketers to increase sales. Personally, I have enjoyed a 7.66% conversion rate selling a $40 product to first time visitors, whereas using a regular sales letter would have resulted in little more than 2% of them buying on their very first visit.

And the way we all achieved this remarkable turnaround was to simply add a web video in place of much of the sales page. You see, virtually all your prospective buyers have been brought up on television, movies, dvds and video games, so they are far more inclined to watch a video right through, rather than wading through a long sales letter, no matter how clever and beguiling. Even famous copywriters like John Carlton, concedes web video is an exciting new addition to the online sales armory. So the way forward is clear: increase sales with web video.

But, simply making your sales message easier to get across with video doesn't fully explain the dramatic increase in sales, so here's the underlying reason.The real marketing magic of video is this: people buy with emotion and the language of the emotional part of the brain is pictures, not words. So using moving pictures, reinforced by the emotional viagra of music, has a subliminal effect on the visitor, because it touches their emotional sweet spot in the way a simple text sales page can never do.

Yet using web video to increase sales on your sales page is merely scratching the surface of what video can really do for your bottom line. So here are a few more areas where you can maximize the value you get from every visitor:

**Add video to your squeeze pages: I've found a five second video saying something like "don't forget your free gift" is all I need to quadruple opt-in rates from my exit pop-up.

**Video testimonials: it's a well known marketing fact buyers like to have "social proof", so displaying a testimonial from satisfied buyers is a great way to boost your credibility and increase sales. So just imagine the impact of a video testimonial on your sales page.

**Add value to your existing products: if you sell "how to do" products, you can add a great deal of value by adding video tutorials to your ebooks. Not only will this increase sales, you can also charge more.

**Increase affiliate sales: if you use affiliates to sell your products, you can give each one a standard sales video, designed to send their visitors -- having watched the sales video -- direct to your sales page, via that particular affiliate's own unique affiliate link. It's well known supplying affiliates with effective sales tools is the way to increase sales and this is one of the best tools you can provide.

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